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How to Use Data to Enhance Your Nonprofit’s Website

Your nonprofit’s website is an essential tool for marketing your mission and pulling in support for your cause. It’s where your supporters learn about your organization, give online gifts, sign up to volunteer, register for your events, and more. But sometimes it can be difficult to discern exactly how well your website is working to […]

Is Your Nonprofit Website Google Ad Grant Ready? 4 Signs

The Google Ad Grant represents an incredible marketing opportunity for nonprofits to get their name in front of online users. Through this program, Google offers eligible nonprofits $10,000 worth of ad credits to use every month. Getting Attention’s guide to Google Ad Grant Requirements points out that applying for this grant is really a two-part process. We’ll focus […]

Understand Your Data | Charitable Giving Statistics for 2024

Throughout the year, your organization collects data related to your donors, marketing campaigns, volunteers, and more. This information can help you decide how your organization should operate in the future. However, only examining your nonprofit’s own data is like attempting to solve a puzzle by only looking at the edges of a single piece.  Instead, […]

What Data Should Nonprofits Collect? Overview & Top Tips

Far too many nonprofit organizations collect data without using analytics to drive success. In an increasingly data-driven world, it’s important to evaluate your nonprofit’s facts and figures. This process of data collection will allow your nonprofit to transform data into actionable knowledge. Data collection is essential in measuring your nonprofit’s hard work. It reveals valuable […]

How Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits Can Increase Visibility

In 2003, Google launched the Google Ad Grants Program to help charitable organizations extend their reach. Since then, the program has revolutionized nonprofit marketing, offering select nonprofits free AdWords spending. More than 115,000 nonprofits across 51 countries use the Google Ad Grant to drive their mission. Despite the wide number of Google Ad Grant recipients, […]